Newtons 3 laws Of Motion

laws Of Motion



How Do we move at all? we need to walk we might bike to the store or take a car for a trip and even when we play Tennis! To answer this question The great Sir Isaac Newton Who you might know for discovering gravity. He also Discovered the laws of motion where these 3 laws explain how everything, literally Everything



Newton’s First law of motion/law of inertia

Newton’s 1st law of motion states that If an Object/Body tends to stay in rest if it is in rest and if a object/body tends stay in motion it stays in motion. Unless a force greater that it is put upon it.


Mass and Inertia - GeeksforGeeks


Newtons 2nd law of Motion

Newton’s second law of motion states that If a force is applied on A Moving Body then it might change is momentum to slow down or fasten up.

Learn About Applications Of Newton'S Second Law Of Motion |

In this case When a man got the ball in his hand he moved it backwards to slow down the balls momentum


Newton’s 3rd laws of motion

Newtons 3rd law of motion States that For every action there is a reaction force
Action Reaction Pair and Newton's third law of motion.

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