Sustainable & scarce food?

Introduction & background information:

The earth’s population crossed 8 billion in the last year. And we need food to survive. Food is a  resource that everyone needs to survive. It is one of the most prioritized needs after water. Now that the earth has more than 8 billion people, scientists suspect that the earth’s population might reach 9 .7 by 2050. This will bring Food scarcity which will be a big crisis. 

To prevent that I have a scientific investigation that takes a certain food item and takes that as an example for other food items. 


I think that cloning and DNA modification would be the answer to this problem because cloning can happen in a lab which takes up way less space and only requires a small DNA sample of any vegetable or food IN this case We are taking Beans. The DNA can also be modified to be able to amplify the amount of  vitamins, proteins and other nutrients that are already present. We can also use the technique of DNA modification to take out unwanted wastage out of the food item. 

proof of concept: 

Cloning has been a recent trend in biological science where we can take parts of DNA, modify it and use cloning kits to clone living organisms. Science youtubers like Coby have cloned multiple people in the pre pre-birth stage. So I believe we can do it with vegetables too.

Example proof 

Brief theoretical Procedure: 
  1. First we have to extract the cuttings from a stem of a plant that has a high production rate (cloned plants have the same genetics as their original)

  2. then place it in a water glass

  3.  leave the stem inside until it develops roots.

  4. Then to modify it to make it fast growing we have to plant it and let it grow

  5. After it’s about 7-8 inches we can keep it in CO2 concentrated environment which will alter the genes of the plant to be able to take in more carbon dioxide increasing yield and the growth rate of the plant

  6. Then after it’s fully grown we can reuse the clone’s stem to make another clone that will grow faster and has more yield. 
Materials needed (theoretical ) 
Apparatus  Procedure 
Knife  To cut the stem 
Mineral rich water  To make the roots grow 
Bean plant with much yield  Original cloner 
Pot  To hold the plant 
Fertile soil  To give nutrients to the plant/ clone 
CO2 concentrated room  To increase yield 
test tube To put the original stem to grow roots 
  1. Wear protection gloves to not get cuts from knife 
  2. Use the test tube carefully use the CO2 room with care (holding breath or wearing oxygen mask is recommended )
  3. Wash your hands after you’re done. 

In conclusion I suggest that we could clone vegetables to make more vegetables in less space and can grow fast in Co2 concentrated rooms which I believe will prevent the scarcity of human food. We not only change the weather condition from natural to lab but also more fertile and cleaner vegetables will be produced. While all of this is still sustainable for the future population. 

Evaluation (strengths weakness, comparison)

The strengths of this investigation is that it is fast growing and needs less space occupied at the same time we can also get more yield using this method/. 

The weakness of this method is that there will be more industrialization and there will be an increase of pollution and no green space. 


Cloned vegetables have a lesser yield unless modified like we did. Natural vegetables have a more unpredictable nature and features compared to clones. Clones grow faster than normal vegetables. Clones have fewer root vines. 

Organic vs Conventional Cloning - Garden & Greenhouse

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