Theory Vs Law Vs Principle?

What is  Theory, Law & Principle


We may hear Some people or scientists saying something about a new theory or some law and the principle what are all these. In this post lead us what these three are and their differences


What is a Law


A law I a Prediction of a certain initial condition something but has no Idea why is ture or false

Ex. A law might tell what hair color might a new born baby have or why everything moves as the 3 laws of motion describe and many other stuff…



What is a theory


A Theory Is something that tells why something happens I might prove if the law is true or false or It might tell why the big bang happen which there is a proven theory…



What Is a Principle


“Principle” is Most often Confused with “Principal” which means “the most important or senior person in an organization or group. but there are 3 other meaning the principal too.” but We are talking about Principle which means  a “fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.”

Some Examples are The Archimedes Principle.

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