


An Ecosystem might get your mind by the meaning of a clean or eco friendly  society or some forest or some ice cap… etc. but Eco systems is more than just that. continue reading for more explanation on Eco systems.

What is an Ecosystem

An Eco system is where all living things(biotic components) and non-living things(Abiotic components) interact to gather to sustain life

Biotic and Abiotic components

Biotic Components                                                 Abiotic Components
environment: biotic and abiotic factors - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help

Biotic components are livings things in the eco system like plants
animals microbes insects fungi etc.

While on the other hand the Abiotic components are the nonliving things In a
eco system like rain, soil, sun, oxygen, minerals etc.

Eco systems can be of any size…
some people believe earth itself is a eco system in which there are smaller and smaller ecosystems. Eco systems can be under a small rock from the size of the whole earth!

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